If you are interested in solar photovoltaic power, this bundle of two books is the right tool for you.
We have created it to reveal how photovoltaics can work for you and make your life easier.
Solar panel photovoltaic systems are becoming an affordable alternative that can make you independent of the utility grid.
These systems are reliable sources of power and can be installed everywhere in the world.
Photovoltaic systems can be mounted on roofs, pillars, vehicles, or on the ground.
Also, they can be fixed, portable, or mobile.
With a solar power system on your caravan, camper, or boat, you can travel thousands of miles while providing a steady source of power for all your devices and appliances.
Or, if you live far away from the utility grid and getting connected to it would cost you a fortune, solar panels are the perfect option for your home, remote office, summer cabin, or villa.
No matter whether you want to know more about solar power, intend to buy a photovoltaic system, or have decided to build such yourself, the books in our bundle reveal everything you need so that you can make an informed decision.
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Above all, however, the bundle will help you evaluate if solar power fits your case.
In other words, you will eventually find out whether your solar project is worth implementing.
In this bundle, we have collected together all the info you need.
No matter whether you are an enthusiastic solar do-it-yourselfer or a photovoltaic system buyer, you are supposed to know how solar power stuff works.
This means getting familiar with the solar power essentials and the basic components of a solar photovoltaic system.
You need to know all that, as you want to build a solar system of maximum performance and minimum costs.
Also, you usually expect that your investment will soon pay off.
This will happen if your solar system meets your daily energy needs and the building blocks are correctly selected.
The first book of this bundle shows a practical and thorough understanding of solar building blocks and the ultimate capability to select them for any solar application.
You will find the pros and cons of the given solar component during the selection process spotted confidently, including “intentionally untold” information by the vendor that may reveal the weak points of the solar device.
Here is the content of the book:
- Solar photovoltaic panels – the main types described and compared, how to connect them, how to mix different connection modes, additional circuit components presented;
- Batteries – the main types described and compared, the essentials of lead-acid and lithium batteries, connection modes, how to size a solar system battery;
- Charge controllers – the main types described and compared, how to squeeze more power from a charge controller, how to select and size the right controller for your system;
- Inverters – the main types described and compared, essential requirements and specifications, how to select and size the proper inverter depending on your solar power system type;
- Other solar system equipment you can hardly do without;
- The essentials of using solar power on caravans, campers, RVs, and boats explained – the specifics of solar panels, batteries, charge controllers, inverters, and other equipment suitable for mobile solar power systems; tips and tricks for do-it-yourselfers.
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The second book of the bundle is an easy-to-follow practical guide for sizing and building any solar power system for off-grid residential and mobile (RV caravans, camper, and boats) applications.
Here is a description of the info you get:
- The electricity basics and essential terms and concepts revealed – current, voltage, power, energy, main circuit types, resistance, voltage drops, electric loads, various devices and appliances, the energy efficiency essentials;
- Off-grid solar system configurations – the essentials, advantages, and limitations explained, what off-grid system type is the right for your case;
- Solar panels – various solar module types described and compared, essential parameters listed and explained, modes of connection revealed;
- Solar irradiation and site selection – solar radiation, solar maps, azimuths, and tilt angles of solar panels briefly presented;
- Batteries – system voltage as a concept explained, the main battery types with their pros and cons revealed and compared, along with battery connecting essentials with the proper dos and don’ts;
- Charge controllers and inverters – the principal types presented and compared, along with their specifications thoroughly explained;
- How to design your off-grid system – assessing the solar resource and performing a solar survey of your site, selecting the system components, performing load estimation to find the optimal solar power configuration for your case;
- Comprehensive examples on sizing a residential and mobile off-grid solar power system;
- Installation and maintenance of the components of your photovoltaic system.
You are here because you want to build an off-grid solar panel system for your home or vehicle.
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Okay, here is a list of what you need:
- Above all, you should perform a solar survey of your site;
- Next, you have to find how powerful system you need;
- Also, you need to find out what components you need to build it so that it neither underperform nor is unnecessarily powerful or too bulky;
- Furthermore, you are supposed to know some tips and tricks on installing and wiring all the building blocks so that your system operates at maximum performance and does not present a fire or health hazard;
- Last but not least – you ought to know how to avoid the mistakes typically committed with residential or mobile solar power systems.
You need all this information presented as a comprehensive, straightforward, easy-to-follow guide, starting with the fundamentals and getting to the more complex stuff, with enough drawings, schemas, and tables.
The books of our bundle reveal how to make solar power work for you while saving both time and money.
All the practical info you get ensures that you end your solar project by building a best-performing off-grid solar power system based on minimum efforts and matching your daily energy needs and available budget.
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Solar Power Demystified Free E-Book: Get it Now (No registration required)
The Truth About Solar Panels Book
The Ultimate Solar Power Design Book
The New Simple And Practical Solar Component Guide
Top 40 Costly Mistakes Solar Newbies Make: Your Smart Guide to Solar Powered Home and Business
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